JUNE 2023
Participation in the construction work of Parque Solar Escalabis – Cartaxo
Teletejo, S.A. is participating in the construction of the Parque Solar Escalabis which is being developed in the municipality of Cartaxo.
LED Public Lighting Installation Campaign in Salvaterra de Magos municipality
In 2023, Teletejo S.A will assemble 1000 LED luminaires in the municipality of Salvaterra de Magos.
This work is part of the efficiency and improvement of public lighting, thus contributing to a greener county in terms of consumption of energy resources.
Integrated maintenance of photovoltaic parks – Electrical and Solar panel cleaning
Teletejo S.A started its activity of integrated maintenance of photovoltaic parks.
Which consists of electrical maintenance and washing of photovoltaic modules. Ensuring better efficiency in the productivity of the stations.
MARCH 2023
Three new backhoe loaders purchased and put into service
Following the policy of renewing vehicles, machinery and equipment associated with the execution of works, with the aim of improving the performance and quality of the services provided to our customers, three new backhoe loaders were recently acquired and put into service.
MAY 2021
Medium Voltage Underground Networks Formation – Connections and Accessories
As mentioned in information provided in February, in order to cover more employees in the process started in January 2021, regarding the training/retraining of Medium Voltage Underground Networks – Connections and Accessories, the second training session for another group of 10 employees took place at our premises from 19 to 23 April 2021.
Like the previous one, this training session was given by an external trainer from a certified company and was divided into two parts (theoretical and practical).
The objective of this training was to provide trainees with the theoretical and practical knowledge to enable them to carry out this type of work, in line with those technically established for the purpose.
Teletejo’s Institutional Presentation – Click Here

Turnover Growth Strategy Teletejo, S.A. – 2021/2025.
Following what has been disclosed in previous years, Teletejo S.A. defined a strategy of sustained growth, relative to its turnover, for the period from 2016 to 2020 in the order of 20%. The final results for 2020, confirmed that this growth objective was achieved and in the desired sustained manner.
Once this first cycle was over, the company once again defined its growth strategy, now for the five-year period 2021-2025, maintaining its concern with regard to the sustainability of the projected growth, so it maintains an increase of around 20% for its turnover objective in this new cycle.
Although the current times, for the reasons that are known, related to the potential consequences for the economy, motivated by the pandemic that broke out at world level, Teletejo, S.A. believes that it will be possible to overcome this situation, so it will continue with the strategy adopted previously that has generated good results. The bet in the diversification of the business through the increase in the execution of works in the industrial area, private infrastructures, communications and fire detection systems, in addition to ensuring the realization of the turnover resulting from the works in the scope of the E-redes Continua Contract (EDP group) and all this associated to the commitment and professionalism of its employees, will make it possible for this sustained growth to become a reality
Business Career Award – António Magalhães – Teletejo – O MIRANTE
Teletejo – Energia e Comunicações, S.A., featured on 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐣𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭

Formation of Medium Voltage Underground Networks – Connections and Accessories
From 18 to 22/01/2021, took place in Teletejo’s installations, a training/retraining action concerning Medium Voltage Underground Networks – Connections and Accessories.
This training action, given by an external trainer and a certified company, was divided in two parts (theoretical and practical) and counted with the participation of 10 employees.
The aim of this training was to provide trainees with the knowledge to enable them to carry out this type of work in accordance with the technical specifications established for the purpose.
It should be noted that this training course was classified by the trainees as excellent.
In order to cover more employees with this knowledge, another action is planned for 2021 to train another group.
Following the announcement last November, the fleet of vehicles to support the work teams has been renewed with the acquisition of new units. Recently, continuing this renewal, an investment was made in three new vehicles to be placed at the service of the work teams, in order to improve the working conditions of the teams and simultaneously reduce maintenance costs and breakdowns of previous vehicles that already had a considerable number of years and kilometres.
Following the investment effort that the company has been making in diverse equipment, in order to improve the conditions and quality of the services to be provided to our clients, last December we acquired another new 600 KVA generator, which is already fully operational. The acquisition of this new equipment also aims to provide energy, to customers who need it, even more reliably and safely.
The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the disease COVID-19, as we all know, has been multiplying in an alarming and worrying way in our country, with the emergence of new variants of this virus whose speed of contagion, it seems, is greater than the strain initially identified.
In this way, Teletejo, S.A. aware of the difficulties faced by the institutions that fight on a front line against the contagion of this terrible disease, namely at the level of lack of individual protection equipment for health professionals, and following the example of what it had already done with other institutions in the municipality last year at the beginning of this pandemic, Teletejo decided to donate to the Almeirim Health Centre 4,000 pairs of surgical gloves, 4,000 caps, 4,000 pairs of protective footwear and 1,000 masks to protect the respiratory tract.
As mentioned at the time of the first donation, this is one of the ways Teletejo, S.A. has to support institutions in our region in this battle against the virus.
Aware that these individual protection equipments will be extremely useful and important for the professionals of the Health Centre, Teletejo, S.A., would like to reiterate its thanks and gratitude to all professionals who daily fight in the treatment and control of this pandemic.
On 12 and 13 November 2020, the 1st Follow-up Audit to the new certification cycle (2019/2022) of our Quality Management System was carried out by the certifying entity SGS. According to the final audit report of the certifying entity, it was found that the Quality Management System of Teletejo, S.A. continues to comply with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality standard, which gives us conditions to continue with the certification of the System.
TELETEJO – Energia e Comunicações S.A. IS TO BE CONGRATULATED!
On 28 December 1990, was officially established the company TELETEJO – Energia e Comunicações S.A., so on 28 December 2020 the company celebrates its 30 years of existence.
Over these 30 years the company has gone through some difficulties resulting from various factors, but knew how to react, was evolving and simultaneously was also following and adjusting its management to the evolution of new challenges that the market, in their business area, has been placing, always with the aim of preparing to be able to give the best answer and present the best solutions to its customers.
We want on this occasion, express our deepest gratitude to all our employees, customers, suppliers and all institutions that worked with us and made possible that TELETEJO, SA may be at this time celebrating 30 years of existence. It was our intention that this milestone in the history of the company was marked with an event corresponding to its importance, however and unfortunately due to the problem of the pandemic that we are experiencing, we are unable to do so, being postponed to a timely and possible time.
Thank you.
The Board of Directors
Teletejo, S.A. has decided, taking into consideration the current situation of Pandemic COVID-19 and the restrictions enacted regarding the opening hours of commercial establishments and the absolute need to prevent the contagion of this pandemic as a consequence of high concentrations of people in commercial spaces, to anticipate the payment of the “Christmas 2020 subsidy” on 12th November, in order to allow its employees to deal with their Christmas shopping on time and in the greatest safety possible.
JULY 2020
Disinfection of Installations in Prevention against Spread of COVID-19 – In order to prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 and to protect all employees and third parties that frequent Teletejo, S.A.’s installations, the management decided to put into practice a programme of disinfection of its installations. This disinfection was carried out by a specialised company in the months of May, June and July and another disinfection has already been scheduled for the month of August.
Start of the LED Lighting Campaign – 2020. Following the requalification of the public lighting network, Teletejo was again awarded a contract by EDP to be the company responsible for the assembly of more 1,800 luminaries distributed by the municipalities of Benavente, Salvaterra de Magos and Coruche. This initiative will ensure that the above mentioned municipalities will benefit in terms of lighting quality and energy saving.
Acquisition of a New Generator – The increase in work to be carried out and the consequent need to improve and provide the best response to the needs of all our customers, led to the decision to acquire, recently, a new mobile rescue group (GMS).
MAY 2020
Following what happened at the end of the afternoon of Tuesday 26 May, a meteorological phenomenon that was classified as a mini tornado in Fazendas de Almeirim, Almeirim municipality, Teletejo was present and helped the local population to solve several power supply faults in the locality.
MARCH 2020
In this moment of extraordinary difficulty and uncertainty that we are going through, we all have the responsibility to act, so that collectively we can contribute to stop the expansion of the new coronavirus.
In this sense, Teletejo’s Management with the contribution of all its employees, decided to donate to several institutions of our county facial protection visors, in order to protect health professionals/security forces/firemen/social workers, who are in the front line in the fight against the new coronavirus.
This was one of the ways, within our reach, that we found to support the community in which we are inserted, in the fight against this pandemic.
We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to all these professionals for all the effort and work they have done and will continue to do in the service of the protection and care of our community.
Teletejo S.A., taking into consideration the Direcção Geral de Saúde’s recommendations about the measures to be taken by the companies to help to stop the COVID-19 spreading, has issued and disseminated to all its employees the information reproduced herein.
Teletejo, SA, was recently awarded two contracts for the construction of electrical infrastructures for two important photovoltaic parks that are being built in the Minde and Salvaterra de Magos areas.
In line with the policy of investment in the renewal of the fleet associated to the support of works and assistance to customers, two new vehicles for the picket teams were acquired last November.
Renewal of the support fleet to the works.
In the continuation of the renewal of the vehicle fleet to support the execution of works and in order to improve the services provided to its clients, Teletejo, S.A. acquired another vehicle, which was put into service this month.
Admission of New Employees.
With the aim to reinforce its work teams, in order to give a better response to the requests and expectations of its customers, Teletejo, S.A., has recently admitted 5 new employees.
Evaluation of Teletejo’s Customer Satisfaction – 1st semester 2019.
In the scope of Teletejo, S.A. Quality Management System, it was carried out the evaluation of the customers’ satisfaction referring to the 1st semester of 2019 and concerning the services provided in that period. This evaluation covers the customers of the Continuous Contract works (EDP/Visabeira) and customers of Private works. The evaluation reflects the opinion of our customers regarding the technical aspects, relationship and posture of Teletejo’s employees. It was with pleasure that, once again, in this quarter under evaluation, the global opinion of our clients was positive.
JULY 2019
A Growth of the turnover of Teletejo, S.A.
Following on from what was reported at the beginning of 2018, Teletejo, S.A. within the strategy that was established for sustained growth, projected for the period from 2015 to 2020 a growth of 20% in its turnover. Annual growth has been confirming the achievement of this objective. At this time, and based on the results for the 1st half of this year, it is expected that growth at the end of 2019 will exceed 5%, thus contributing to the 20% target being achieved by 2020. It should be noted that these results are also a reflection of the collective work and effort made by all the company’s employees.
New LED Lighting Installation Campaign.
Teletejo was awarded the new LED Campaign 2019 – EDP, for the third consecutive year. This service will be developed in the municipalities of Benavente and Salvaterra de Magos. In this campaign will be installed over 1500 new LED luminaries that will contribute to a better lighting of the respective municipalities as well as an improvement with regard to energy efficiency. It is with great pleasure that Teletejo, once again, will be part of this project which we will carry out with our usual professionalism and dedication.
Job offer – several functions.
Teletejo is seeking for recruitment employees for the functions of Electrician Assistants, Electrician Officials and a Mason/Servant. If you are interested or have any family member, friend or acquaintance that may be interested, please encourage them to contact us to apply for these job offers.
MAY 2019
Teletejo, S.A. was awarded a contract for the construction of a new photovoltaic plant in the Alto Alentejo region, in line with the Portuguese investment in renewable energy production and the proposed goals/objectives for that production.

Teletejo, S.A. was awarded a contract for the construction of a new photovoltaic plant in the Alto Alentejo region, in line with the Portuguese investment in renewable energy production and the proposed goals/objectives for that production.
In order to allow and to facilitate to the interested parties the presentation of complaints, compliments/suggestions, Teletejo, S.A informs that in compliance with the legislation in force on this subject, has already adhered to the Electronic Complaints Book and that it is available in our website
Teletejo, S.A, is pleased to have participated in the execution of the works to remodel the Almeirim bullring, now called Arena D’Almeirim, whose re-inauguration took place on 1 May 2019. Our intervention covered all the works related to the electrical installation, communications and fire detection network.
MARCH 2019
On 11 March training sessions were held at our facilities, the aim of which was to disseminate EDP’s Code of Ethics with regard to and insofar as it applies to its suppliers.
This training was aimed at three groups of employees involved in EDP’s business, namely employees linked to network construction and maintenance, employees linked to customer relations activities (ARC) and employees with other EDP customer contact functions (back office).
In this perspective, site coordinators, team leaders and those responsible for works connected with the execution of network works (medium and low voltage), employees with assistance and breakdown repair activities for customers and also employees with administrative activities connected with the EDP business in which Teletejo acts as a subcontractor, through Visabeira, took part in these activities.
The central theme of the training was based on the question “Why the obligation of compliance with the EDP Code of Ethics and other codes by suppliers”.
EDP approved, in May 2017, the EDP Supplier Code of Conduct, which became an integral part of all contracts where EDP Suppliers undertake to comply with a set of Ethical Commitments.
Following the disclosed in December 2018 two new vehicles were put into service; One vehicle was placed in support of the execution of installation works and another prepared to receive the lifting platform (barquinha) for various works, among others, the installation and maintenance of public lighting.
As previously mentioned, these are aimed at improving the conditions of response to the requirements of our customers and the quality of services provided by Teletejo, S.A.
Teletejo, S.A. is in line with the current growth in renewable energies in Portugal. Focused on this type of installations it is with great satisfaction that we report the conclusion of the electrification of a 25MW photovoltaic plant in Évora and the recent adjudication of a medium voltage line for a new photovoltaic plant in Grândola.
Teletejo wishes all Employees, Customers, Suppliers and Partners a Merry Christmas and Happy 2019
Following the concern to improve its response capacity to its customers and to reinforce its technical staff, Teletejo, S.A. has recently admitted new employees.
On the 8th and 9th of November took place the Follow-up Audit to the Quality Management System of Teletejo S.A., which is certified according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. The audit was carried out by SGS, certifying entity, and intended to verify if the processes that constitute our management system continue to be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the referred standard. The certifying entity SGS found that the system continues to respond to the requirements of the standard and demonstrates work in the search for continuous improvement of processes in order to meet customer expectations.
Two new vehicles were recently acquired in order to renew the production support fleet and consequently improve working conditions and the quality of service provision. One of the vehicles is intended to support the execution of installation works and the other will receive a lifting platform (small boat).
On 15 and 16 November, a Basic Safety Training session was held at our premises. This action was given by a trainer from the company Formisado, Lda, with the objective of providing the participating employees with basic knowledge of safety in the execution of works.
It was awarded in August, and is already under execution, a work inserted in the EFOKUS photovoltaic park in Évora. This work consists of the opening and plugging of trenches for the underground passage of LV and MV cables, jointing works, electrical connections and electrification of PTs with a total length of 8,000 metres.
The EDP Local Safety Meetings were held on 19 and 20 September. The sessions took place at EDP’s facilities in Mafarra, Santarém. This year’s theme was “PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS OF ELECTRICAL ORIGIN AND FALLS FROM HIGH LEVELS”. The main objective of this event was, based on serious and real accidents that occurred, to enable the participants to identify and debate the causes and the prevention measures that could have prevented these accidents from occurring. 8 Teletejo’s employees participated in these meetings.
In the scope of Teletejo, S.A. Quality Management System, every semester the evaluation of customers’ satisfaction regarding the services rendered by us is carried out. This evaluation covers the clients of the Continuous Contract works (EDP/Visabeira) and clients of Private works.
The opinion collected from the clients includes satisfaction aspects, which range from technical aspects to aspects related with the attitude and relationship of Teletejo’s employees. It should be noted, with pleasure, that in the evaluation relative to the 1st semester of 2018, the global opinion was very positive.
MAY 2018
From 02 to 10/06 is taking place in the National Exhibition Centre, in Santarém, the 55th edition of the National Agricultural Fair, / 65th Ribatejo Fair, an event of great national prominence.
As in previous years Teletejo, S.A. was contracted to provide support in the preparation/assistance of the energy distribution network before and during the FNA.
It should be noted that this electrical installation was executed by Teletejo in the nineties.
Under the LED campaign promoted by EDP, the substitution of mercury lamps by LED technology began in May in the municipalities of Alpiarça, Salvaterra de Magos and Benavente.
This campaign covers the replacement of about 2000 luminaries in these municipalities, Teletejo being the company responsible for these works.
The beginning of the year foresees good business trends, taking into consideration the portfolio of works already awarded and others which are in an advanced stage of adjudication, revealing the confidence of customers in the capacity and quality of services provided by Teletejo, S.A. The works in question cover both industrial installations and electricity infrastructure works for agriculture and industry.
Following last December’s announcement regarding the permanent need to provide employees with greater skills and knowledge, on January 26th a second group of employees (17 employees) started the training course for on site machinery operators.
Teletejo, in its sustained growth strategy, projected a 20% growth in turnover for the period from 2015 to 2020. In 2017, this growth is estimated to be 5%, and it is expected that in 2018 the growth will be in the same order of magnitude. This growth has been achieved based on business diversification, namely in works in the industrial area.
Following Teletejo’s policy of investing in the qualification of its employees, in the beginning of 2018 it will resume the training of workers in the course of manoeuvring machines on construction sites.
Teletejo wishes all employees, customers, suppliers and partners a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018.
On the 2nd and 3rd of November took place the 1st Follow-up Audit to the Quality Management System of Teletejo, SA certified in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard. This audit aimed to verify if the different processes that constitute the management system continue implemented in accordance with the requirements of the referred standard. It was verified and confirmed that the system continues to respond to the requirements of the standard and maintains the concern for continuous improvement to meet the requirements and expectations of our customers.
In order to renew the fleet associated to the execution of works in the electricity grid, given the age of some equipment, namely the ones used to provide assistance to EDP’s customers in the municipalities where Teletejo has this activity, and to improve the response and quality of services to these customers, new vehicles were acquired and put into service in November.
In order to reinforce the technical staff, and also to reinforce and improve the services rendered to our clients, Teletejo has recruited two professionals for its teams and has at the moment an ongoing recruitment process for the admission of another collaborator for the category of floor layer with experience in the application of paving.